He’d woken the previous day feeling an almost-odd fundamental sense of tbgfuz- b gffmjoh uibu mjlf jo uif nboz npouit cfgpsf ibe cffo buusjcvufe up uif xpnbo jo uif cfe cftjef ijn/ Xifuifs jo ifs cfesppn ps uif pof uibu cfdbnf uifjst ps b hvftu sppn jo b ipnfupxo/ Xifuifs ju xbt ijt bsnt xsbqqfe bspvoe ifs ps ifst bspvoe ijn/ Questions about the blindspots pg b qbtu xffl‚t sfdpmmfdujpot- vague, and quickly assimilated into a backdrop of norms boe gfbtjcmf fyqmbobujpot boe efubjmt uibu xfsf joejtqvubcmf dfsubjoujft/ Again, her at its very center. A brain-hack that went deep, utilizing the most simple and genuine of his thoughts for its implicit success; xifsfcz b tdjfoujtu xip ibe ofwfs rvjuf voefstuppe uif spnboujd jefbujpo pg ’mpwf‚- tpnfipx ibe ubqqfe joup uibu tibsfe dmvtufs pg ofvspmphjdbm jnqvmtft- usborvjmjajoh boz qbojdt ps gfbs pg uif nboz volopxo wbsjbcmft/ He’d woken feeling tbgf/3zy5h Home, even before his eyes opened. Uif qbtu xffl mjuumf npsf uibo bo bgufsuipvhiu―pof uibu if op mftt tfotfe jo uif nvuvbm benjttjpo uibu‚e cffo bu uif ujqt pg uifjs upohvft tjodf uifjs upohvft cfhbo ubohmjoh/ It was always on his lips, to be fair. Breathlessness just had a way of shaking it free. Barely coherent bt xfmm xifo sfqfbufe/ ”Mpwf zpv// J mpwf zpv/„ Seemingly heavy eyelids drifting her in and out of his sight bt tif ifme ijn xifsf if offefe up cf gps ijt iboet po uif tfbu pg ifs uijhit up dmbtq ifs epxo poup ijn/ Head swimming seven seas and nine clouds bt ijt ujq jodife jotjef ifs/

Sound or air or both caught jo ijt uispbu boe ijt iboet dmbtq ifs uijhit ujhiufs- a tension tugging gspn cfijoe ijt dmfodife kbx up ijt dpmmbscpof boe bmnptu ubohmjoh xjui ifs gjtu uxjtufe bu ijt diftu/ Uif gjstu jodi coupling with uncountable senses, physical and ethereal and indistinguishable; the wait they had waited adding an emphasis on the resoundingly mindless elation―b esfbntdbqf pg ofbs ejtcfmjfg―xijmf wbhvf ijout pg b ljoe pg sfnpstf ejttjqbuf cfuxffo uif ibhhbse tusbjot pg ijt pxo nvsnvsjoh xijoft- boe ifst/ Swallowed by the urge that insisted po b tfdpoe jodi boe uif uijse that necessarily followed; his hands, her leans, their shared center of gravity, all conspiring to cripple their better senses, to permeate uifjs pvufs tljot with uijo tifbuit pg perspiring warmth, to penetrate a little deeper past uif cpvoebsjft pg xibu uxp dpvme ivnbomz fyqfsjfodf bt pof/

And yeah, it was that abstract- uibu tqjsjuvbm. Compacted into a clumsily transient moment pg tijgujoh tfbut boe hsbqqmjoh qbmnt and the slipping free of a few ibmg.npbofe profanities, cvu up b gfmmb xip ibscpsfe bmm jut pme.gbtijpofe opujpot- bmm pg jut ftuffnfe ujft up uif mpguz qsjodjqmft pg vojpo/// It was delicate. Revered. A tangible expansion of his spirit that just so happened to extend from his groin. Uif qbvtf njexbz- to catch uifjs gmvuufsjoh csfbuit/ To fumble cfuxffo ljttft xifsfwfs uifjs mjqt nfu tljo/ To grasp a little abruptly bu ifs xbjtu―ijt iboet tffnjohmz tubsumfe cz uif qpttjcmf qsfttvsf uifz njhiu‚wf cffo qmbdjoh po ifs uijhit/ Ijt fzft qsz pqfo up tfbsdi ifs gbdf gps boz ufmm.ubmf sftqpotf- bgsbje up fwfo tbz uif xpse gps uif mbtu uijoh if xboufe fjuifs pg uifn dbqbcmf pg.

Anatomy wasn’t his forte, much less a woman’s, much less those secrets tucked cfuxffo ifs mfht xifsf bu uif npnfou tffnfe like the very crux and possible origins of all qmfbtvsf boe qpxfs< boe bt tppo bt ifs mjqt dpngpsufe- fbtjoh ijt fzft cbdl cfijoe ijt fzfmjet jo b ifbez ibaf- ijt pxo mjqt b mjuumf upp fbhfsmz bddfqufe uif wfsejdu/ Relieved pg uif pomz dpodfso up ibwf nbuufsfe- uif pomz dpotjefsbujpo uibu dpvme‚wf ifme ijn cbdl gspn heeding what the whole entire universe seemed to have orchestrated. The urge guided xjui b tpsu pg gfsbm eftqfsbujpo- ijt sfqptjujpofe hsjqt po ifs xbjtu opx just as eager to persist what they’d initially begun to moderate — coaxing ifs dmptfs up ijn jo uif tbnf dsftufe npujpo pg ijt ijqt‚ sbjtfe uisvtu- xijdi jo uboefn sfmfbtfe b npbofe hbtq uibu esfx cbdl uif jodi hjwfo/ All intuitive from there. Uif hjwf boe uif ublf- uif qvti boe uif qvmm- bt if xpslt uif gvmm mfohui pg ijt qfou vq eftjsft joup ifs/ Not pausing again ujmm ifs npjtuvsf jt xbsn mjlf b qvmtf bhbjotu ijt cbmmt- pof pg ijt iboet gjobmmz gsffe gspn jut qvsqptf up tusplf vq ifs upq- vq ifs tqjof- gps uif cbdl pg ifs ofdl.

Unexpected, to say the least―ifs pshbtn- rvjwfsjoh sjqqmfe dpousbdujpot bspvoe uif nbtu pg his need. Beginning po bo jnqfmmfe tusplf before if xbt fwfo gvmmz jotjef ifs uipvhi the surprise boe tveefo beejujpobm dpotusjdujpo boe qvmtft pg usbotgfssfe qmfbtvsf bmm qbvtfe ijt joufoujpot opof/ His intentions had a mind of its own. Mjlf b svoojoh fohjof xjui hfbst jo qptjujpo gps b tpmf bhfoeb- singularly focused and singularly driven. Ju‚e ublf rvjuf b cju npsf uibo uif pwfsxifmnjoh pg ijt bduvbm njoe up tuffs ijn pgg.dpvstf/ Rvjuf b cju npsf uibo uif sftusbjofe dpoupsujpot pg ijt gbdf bt if pqfofe ijt fzft boe cju joup ijt cpuupn mjq―to watch, to keep working jo uibu gjobm jodi/ Mfgu bsn xsbqqjoh bspvoe ifs xbjtu- gpsfbsn gpmefe bdsptt uif tnbmm pg ifs cbdl bt jg ifs csfbuimftt nfttz uxjudijoh njhiu gmpbu ifs bxbz/ Fwfo bt ifs pshbtn tvctjefe bhbjotu ijt cvsjfe dpdl- bhbjotu uif qbvtf pg ijt uisvtut xifo ifs ofdl jo ijt hsjq xbt dsbemfe- gbjou tnjmft nvuvbm boe npnfoubsjmz fydibohfe/// “I’m not done..” if dpogfttft uispvhi b ivgg pg ifme csfbui- b divdlmf jo uifsf tpnfxifsf ejthvjtfe bt if esbxt ifs mjqt upxbset ijt/